Saturday night is pizza night!
For my family it’s not Saturday without our traditional pizza night! Weekends can be busy with children’s activities so I had to make quite a few attempts to find a simple, last-minute pizza, so we never miss our pizza night. Follow my recipe and make the perfect dough for a deliciously crisp homemade pizza that you can top with whatever you like.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 pizza dough)
- 300 g strong bread flour
- 1tsp instant yeast
- a pinch of salt
- 200 ml lukewarm water
- tomato passata
- mozzarella
- extra virgin olive oil
- fresh basil
- any extra toppings such as vegetables and cured meat
Mix strong bread flour, salt and instant yeast together in a large bowl. Quickly stir in warm water and olive oil and bring together to a rough dough. Cover with a kitchen towel and let the dough rise in a warm location for 60-90 minutes.
Preheat oven and a baking sheet to 210C and, after the leavening time, tip out the mixture onto a lightly floured work surface. Divide the dough in two parts, to make two pizzas. Roll out into thin rounds, stretch them with your hands and place on floured baking sheets. We like our pizza very thin, so I use a rolling pin to stretch it well.
Add some tomato passata and put the pizza in the oven.
Take it out after 8 minutes, add mozzarella, a splash of extra virgin olive oil and put it back in the oven for another 4 minutes.
Add some fresh basil and eat it immediately.
The combination of pizza and wine is not very popular, usually surpassed by the combination pizza/beer. However, I think that a good glass of wine is definitely better with pizza and helps your digestion.
For the classic pizza margherita, I’d recommend a white wine, fresh, with a good flavour and aromatic. A perfect choice could be a Sauvignon Blanc DOC SICILIA, to balance the acidity of the tomato and the consistency of the olive oil without covering the flavours. My preferred one is Mandrarossa Urra di Mare Sauvignon Blanc DOC SICILIA 2017, a wine that is not so difficult to find online and in supermarkets. Pizza is a versatile dish and the choice of the wine always depends on the toppings. Whatever is your favourite pizza, it will always be an amazing experience with the right wine!